For all those who read this blog on this day, May 11, I would ask you to take a moment of silence for the dearly departed, Douglas Adams.
One of the greatest authors of all time, Douglas Adams, passed away on this day, May 11, 2001, at the age of 49. For those of you who don't know, he is best known as the author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which is a 'trilogy' of five books (six if you count Eoin Colfer's novel contribution, And Another Thing).
Not only that, but Douglas Adams also did radio, wrote episodes for Doctor Who, made a few other novels as well, and accomplished many more achievements in his lifetime.
I know that Douglas Adams should also be commemorated for others things rather than just his professional career, but honestly, I don't know Douglas Adams at all. I've never met him; and the only thing I know about him is through his work.
Even so, I still see him as a great man. His death left a hole in the literary world, and all we can do now is to take this day and remember him (and pay tribute to him on Towel Day). So (for those who never met Douglas Adams personally) go out there and read or reread his work. When you do, you'll laugh and smile and sort of feel bad for the robot who is older than the universe itself. And during those moments, you'll remember that all those thoughts and ideas that went into his work, that caused you to feel those emotions; they all came from a brilliant and innovative mind.
We will always remember you.
Douglas Adams